Q&A Insurance: "can I get auto insurance with a suspended license?"
There are a number of reasons why Your LICENCE can be suspended.
In fact, depending on the State where you live, you may have had your license for not having car insurance since the beginning.
Of course this could be a big problem if you are unable to obtain car insurance while suspended.
And although it is possible to get insurance with a suspended license (non-standard insurance company), this is not something that many insurance companies are willing to do.
In addition, the country where you live may not let insurance companies offer protection to the driver with a suspended license.
Insurer offering coverage to drivers with suspended licenses will usually allow a "grace period", which can range between 15 to 45 days, that you obtain a license and your driving privileges. Anyway, they understand that you need time to be employed again.
But what if you don't get your license reinstated?
If you buy car insurance and don't get your license restored within the grace period, the insurance company will only cancel your policy and you will return to the starting point. That is why it is very important to be able to show proof of confirmation back to the insurance company.
In some States, if you are caught driving without insurance, your licence will be suspended until you find coverage and get a SR22 filing.
SR22 insurance, but not the type of a document presented to the State insurance department you, suggests that you bring at least a minimal automobile insurance coverage mandatory minimum.
If you do not maintain the coverage and SR22, your license will be automatically suspended again. If you are stuck in this situation, you may lose your license for an unlimited period of time.
If you don't have car insurance or have a suspended license, contact your independent insurance agent or shop for insurance quotes online. Better safe than sorry.